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K&J Engagement Photos

Had an amazing time photographing K&J on the weekend. Here is a sneak peak for you guys, hope you like them! -SteveView full post »

A&T Winter Wedding at Ancaster Mill

Heather and I had the pleasure of photographing A&T’s wedding at the Ancaster Mill on Sunday. Our bride andView full post »

J&S Wedding at Ruthven

We had the pleasure of photographing S&J’s wedding at Ruthven yesterday. The weather was absolutely perfectView full post »

J&K Wedding at RBG

We had an amazing time on Sunday photographing J&K’s wedding at the RBG. Hope you enjoy the photos!View full post »

L&W’s Wedding

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to L&W for being such an amazing couple and making our job easy on Friday. YouView full post »

M&R Wedding

Hi M&R! Here is a sneak peek of your wedding pictures from Sunday. Heather and I had a great time and wanted toView full post »

M&J Wedding Celebration

Last Saturday’s wedding had it all: an incredibly moving ceremony, an amazingly beautiful bride, anView full post »

L&W Engagement at Webster’s Falls, Hamilton

Heather and I had the pleasure of photographing L&W yesterday at Webster’s Falls. There was a ton of people atView full post »